Healing properties of lavender rose quartz;
Spiritual: Lavender quartz evokes the awesome power of unconditional love and compassion. Emotional: Lavender quartz’s energy is connected to all aspects of love – including self love, romantic love, friendship and family love, as well as community and global love.
Lavender Quartz is a powerful energy that is unlike any other. Think of the Violet Flame, the all consuming flame of unconditional Divine Love and freedom from the past perceived imperfections combined with the nurturing, all embracing, compassionate love of Quan Yin. This energy not only fills our emotional body but allows us to reach out and share in compassionate and loving actions towards others.
Lavender Quartz is a stone of forgiveness. A 'Stone of Spiritual Support’, assisting in getting us through difficult and challenging stages in life, as well helping to heal emotional, mental and spiritual upset.
Overall it’s is a high vibrational stone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals.
Lavender Quartz is a very beneficial stone to keep close by in times of turmoil, stress, upset, anxiety and worry. It helps to ease away the effects that come with such happenings and feelings, as well as bringing an air of peace and stability.
This stone encourages the being to become more balanced in all areas of life. It is a stone that instils inner strength and feelings of hope when they are most needed. It envelopes the mind, body and spirit with protection and tranquillity. This is a stone that encourages the being to listen to the inner voice, as well as to open and allow communication from spirit guides and angelic beings.